Metaphysics Degree

This is a collection of essays regarding several courses on metaphysics offered through the Universal Life Church. Our metaphysics courses cover a wide variety of topics in metaphysics and each carry with it its own degree.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Spiritual Sermon

Marginalized People in the World

    I was thinking about what to speak to you about, when I was listening to the radio and Harry Chapin's song "Cat's in the Cradle" came on. I was thinking about how everything comes full circle, especially when our children grow up and how this applies to many of us in our own lives.

   My mother had been hospitalized last week with dehydration,too-high medication levels, and she began hallucinating that there were men digging up all the flowers in her front yard. This sent my poor sister into a similar state of anxiety, which resulted in Mom spending a week in hospital.

   When she came home, we were all happy for her to just be able to enjoy the simple things of life that we all take for granted.  A grilled cheese sandwich, a chocolate cupcake with extra icing and jimmies, time sit in a comfy chair and pet her cat.  But in spite of our happiness, we realized how frail she had suddenly begun, and how we would take over the roles of caretakers for this tiny, bright, but now frail mother who depended on us all with childlike faith in our abilities.  She smiled and told us we were good kids, which from her is high praise.  She is a woman of simple tasts and few words, but they are always carefully chosen.

    Mom had come home against well meaning hospital staff, that had suggested a nursing home instead.  She was facing being transferred on Monday, and it was 4pm Friday afternoon, and her ability to walk on her own wasn't good.  We asked about physical therapy and were told that they didn't do much of that, they had already made an assessment to move her out, and even had a list of residences in hand to show us that they had it all covered.

     We balked, and were met with much resistance.  We spent the weekend alternating in tears,frustration,and lots of prayer.  We would need a miracle.  On Sunday night we got our miracle.  Sis called to say Mom was better, and despite some staff protest, we were going to bring her home.

     Throughout her stay, she had wonderful care, but it got us thinking about how marginalized the elderly are in society.  Our concern for Mom sliding into a depression after realizing she might never go home again seemed unimportant to some.  Those simple pleasures we take for granted would be replaced by a new reality, and we wondered how she could ever sustain such a change at 90 years old.

    I began to think how many of us have felt marginalized in society in periods of our own lives.  Faith, sexuality, disabilities, race, lack of finances, age, ethnicity, we all have felt alone at some point in our lives.  The question is have we made others feel that way in turn?  And how do we bring these issues to the table when trying to strengthen our congregation and make it a place where all are welcome?   That, my friends, is our challenge.  The marginalized need a voice. Why not yours?

Reverend Jeffrey Warren
Orion Outreach Ministries


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Rev. Long, a member of ULC for many year, has created this seminary to help train our ministers. The Seminary also has a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and free minister training. Those who have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning have enjoyed its ongoing growth and change.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Metaphysical Healing

Sorry it has taken me so long to get these to you.
I have been quagmired by my recurring Legal Problems and other tasks at home.
Now that these are behind me, or nearly completed, I am sending these in.
Lesson 14:
1.) Authoritarian Technique employs a "guided" way of relaxing a Client into transe for healing work to begin.
I kind of like this because it allows the practitioner to have better control over the healing and for the patient to experience a deeper level of healing.
2.) This technique seems a bit too "cutesy" for my liking. It just doesn't seem to go as deep or as far as authoritarian technique.
3.) I do happen to have one of those boring voices that puts Animals and people alike down for the count, either that, or no one listens to me.
4.) Rhythmic voices just don't do much for me unless it is Native Chant Song.
5.) This is beneficial also in my own work at times.
6.) I hope this works, although likely it does.
7.) This also seems to me not to be too effective. Just seems to be too much "sing song" for my liking.
8.) Silent Pause; now there is something sure to work.
Lesson 15:
1.) Progressive Relaxation of the body, creating imagination for deeper relaxation.
     Enhancing the trance - like state.
     The Special Place.
     Concluding the Induction.
2.) By imagining that they are drifting down deeper and deeper helps the client to enter a deeper trance - like state.
     To help people to further deepen the trance - like state, a count is used that usually goes from 10 - 1.
     The Special Place the client will choose will be one that is unique to them.
3 & 4.) Yes. People can be uncomfortable or afraid of stairs or elevators. Clients' Subconscious is wide open to suggestion.
5.) I won't be doing this part, as I am not sure what I could possibly say or contribute to this.
Lesson 16:
1 a.) Since I have already been regressed, this last life, prior to the one I am in now, was the happiest I can personally recall.
        The Benefits are deep healing and understanding.
        Unfortunately, those from my last life, that are "sworn enemies," continue to hound me clear into this life.
    b.) Possibly not returning from the journey, vulnerability and jitters.
Lesson 17:
1.) Love, healing and support, not to be made to feel that they are responsible for making themselves sick, death of a Loved One, etc.
2.) No.
3.) No matter how carefully you may plan a magickal ritual or execute it to perfection, there will always be a "40% unseen" which could affect the outcome.
4.) Growth in world Populaces, changes in food handling, increased transport of animals, changes in human behavior, agricultural evolution, human encroachment on wilderness, people living closer to animals, people with lowered immune systems, etc.
Sorry, Global Warming does Not exist, it is a Hoax.
5.) spiritual healing, positive thinking, visualization, affirmations, medical and complimentary therapies, create the perfect matrix to facilitate the healing process.
6.) Diabetes, depression, suicidal tendencies, pollution, noise, stress, pesticides and side effects of medicinal drugs.
7.) Acid Reflux Disease (GERD), causes a burning sensation in the chest, sour acid taste in the mouth.
8.) The "Shadow," consists of all te bad things that have happened to us. It is the storehouse for all unresolved emotional issues.
9.) "We create - interpret -  our own experience of reality, but to think one creates all reality is ignoring the fact that we share the physical planet earth together, and planet earth, her winds, waters, mountains and sometimes fires, will mock the human who dares to think he alone creates it all."
Lesson 18:
1.) The Healer takes a doll, cares for it, to communicate with the absent patient.
2.) I have a very special way that I effect such healings.
    I first get an image of the person through my 3rd eye.
    Then, I go to the affected part of the body, take a visualization of this.
    I place a ball of White Light Energy around the affected part.
   I visualize the healing from this energy going deep into the affected part.
  The person will feel a deep, tingling warmth in the affected part, with relief coming shortly after this.
3.) Exorcism is dangerous because of the possessing entity leaving the body of the afflicted.
     Also possessing the person who "cast out" the offending entity.
4.) Sometimes entities that attach themselves to people are just lost souls.
5.) A strong Spiritual Leader
     A minimum of 7 powerful people
     Two strong men
     A Doctor
     A Psychologist
6.) Traditional Healers live in close communion with God and ancestral kingdom. Medical Doctors do not.
7.) Witch Doctors use ibeklo to inflict illness and pain on others.
8.) In tribal life, mental illness, delusions and psychosis are clothes in terms of spirit possessions, witchcraft and sorcery.
9.) Only when the last vestige of web has been destroyed, either by Vomiting or Purging, will the offending entity be vanquished.

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Rev. Long, a member of ULC for many year, has created this seminary to help train our ministers. The Seminary also has a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and free minister training. Those who have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning have enjoyed its ongoing growth and change.

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Spirit Quest

Master of Metaphysics Essay
Spirit Quest
By Rev. Alicia Gamble

I found this course to be one of the best I have taken so far, I really enjoyed it.  It helped to reinforce some previous knowledge, added information as well as clarification to some areas I have struggled with, and also gave me easy solutions and practices to use every day.  It was set up just right for me allowing time to integrate teachings and practices before moving on to the next.  I would, and have, recommended this course to others as I feel it is among the best out there that I have found.
I particularly liked the implementation of the grounding cord, I have not found a method I liked so much prior to this course.  The golden sun is really enjoyable, I find myself doing it often just to bask in the warmth and peace of it.  My favorite thing from the course though, is the roses.  I would never have thought of using roses nor did I know there were so many different ways to use them, and since then I have created more.  I have an affinity towards Mother Mary and roses which are her symbol, so I found this easy, now I use roses for everything.

Another notable thing was the Star Trek analogies; I love Star Trek, so these
helped me very much.  I have always had trouble with the screen in the center of your head concept.  I would try and try, but it just never worked well for me until this course.

All of a sudden it was so simple; the center of my head is now my "bridge," I can view on my screen anything I want whenever I want.  I spend much time there now and it all works easily and effortlessly.

Another interesting thing I have noticed since finishing this course is my dreams.
I remember them more often now, but better than that, I have control in them.  Before I would have strange dreams in which I had absolutely no control of the happenings.  Now, my dreams are more pleasant, but if I do have any issues in my dreams I can and do change what is going on easily. It is great!

There are just so many wonderful things I can say about this course. Thank you so much it has truly been life changing.  It has been a wonderful experience and I look forward to taking many more courses in the future!

By Reverend Alicia Gamble


Become ordained with the Universal Life Church, which is free and lasts for life.  You can use the Free Online Ordination, button to fill out the form.

Rev. Long, a member of ULC for many year, has created this seminary to help train our ministers. The Seminary also has a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and free minister training. Those who have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning have enjoyed its ongoing growth and change.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles

The following are the three sections that I have chosen to respond on.  From the quick to the "where is he going with this"?

I agree that Ego is the barrier that separates us from our spiritual connections to all others, including God.  In my perception the ego is like a bandage that has been placed over where a wound might or might not take place.  It gives us cushion from possible harm from the perceived world at the cost of loosing feeling and sight of our spiritual self.  In essence, the Ego is our false wall that isolates us from God.

I must agree and yet respectfully disagree with some of the given lesson on the root cause of guilt.  We are taught by main stream Christian theology that the human is an inherently spiritually weak creature.  That we are subject to base carnal and material desires and must be convinced that there is a brutal reprisal from God for having fallen to such lows of existence.  This teaching in itself isolates us from God.  From my own life's experience, the churches I grew up in taught that we should fear God, that everything we do without the heirarchy's guidance will lead us to sin and damnation.  I believe that this form of enforced control through the dogma of guilt is what keeps us from our spiritual connection to God.  many teachings are that if you hear voices in your head or near about you when you are alone, it is the work of the greatest of evil.  We first must love God without fear as the basis.  Only then can we meet with the touch of God's self which is always at our heart's door.  With spiritual cleansing done out of love and not fear, we can hear the voice of God.  I digress as usual.  I do not believe that guilt is caused by our disconnection form God, i believe it is a tool that maintains control over the people and as a byproduct estranges us from God.
Miracles are as real as the feel of the wind on a breezy day.  Miracles are generated by a focused belief in the healing powers that we all have.  In order to effect the change, we must fully focus our spiritual mine, our thir eye on accepting the gift of healing that we were given at the creation of our souls.  Not all miracles are of the high grandeur that we look for as proof of the existence of this ability.  It comes in many ways, simply seeing the pain in another's soul, connecting to that pain and share in the burden.  This gives strength to ourselves and our fellow traveler.  With diligence there will be a healing, a miracle.  My brother was given a death sentence at the age of thirteen due to the ravages of rheumatic fever.  I remember the doctors telling my parents that he would not survive another six months.  The damage to his heart had been to great.  The family kept this from my brother. My brother, in his own journey, began to focus on St. Christopher for his physical salvation.  Many scoffed at his belief, we did not.  My brother not only recovered fully, his healing was such that he spent 25 years on active duty between the Army in Vietnam and entry into the Navy.  Miracles are not like a puff of smoke, they are the result of diligent true belief, in ourselves and the hand of God working through us. 


Become ordained with the Universal Life Church, which is free and lasts for life.  You can use the Free Online Ordination, button to fill out the form.

Rev. Long, a member of ULC for many year, has created this seminary to help train our ministers. The Seminary also has a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and free minister training. Those who have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning have enjoyed its ongoing growth and change.

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Friday, January 08, 2010

Spirit Quest

At the end of Spirit Quest, my own previous beliefs were confirmed and even expanded upon. This is why I am happy I took this class.

    I remember the day I reread the bible ,I say re read because I had read it often before. My eyes were upon the words from Genesis,"And he created them in his own image,"Or some other bibles God said,"Let us create them in our own image" Well some people say God made us look like him some will say he (she)gave us the abilities to be like him some say both.But one thing I knew deep in my heart was,god was our creator,some like the Native Americans even refer to him as "The Creator" so if hes the creator and like him in his image we are created,Then we are creators!

I often knew it was more than a coincidence when I spoke something and it happened.but I'm not saying there's anything special about me I'm talking about everyone on earth,We are creators and like children running lose in the house with a crayon,We humans spend our life running around earth.creating and coloring everything in sight good or bad unaware of our creative powers.I wish more people would take the time to understand we are creators out of control.Well that's generalizing.  Because a lot of people indeed do know the power of thought and intent a lot really. So in the Spirit quest course a person learns the tools to direct the creative energy stored in us.Like a carpenter who stands on a piece of land, in front of a pile of wood and bricks with the intent of building there.

Spirit Quest is like a truck full of tools pulls up and says, here's what you need to get the job done.Buy learning to use the tools included in the Spirit quest classes ,I realized they worked and it wasn't long before I realized that I could make tools of my own like a example within the carpentry theme would be ,Spirit quest handed me a hand saw and it
wasn't long before I discovered the power saw or if you not a carpenter let me say this, Spirit Quest taught me how to bake bread and by the end of the class I had learned on my own how to serve an entire dinner.

In other words I learned that the basic tools in the class if applied ,worked so I invented ,discovered , made some of my own.The golden sun was especially helpful to me and it wasn't long till I added a silver sparking star to assist the golden sun.The Golden sun was my favorite but the grounding cord was a with out question the most useful.The way these tools changed
my life is, this is beautiful, there always there.

I don't have to wait till I go and get the tool to fix the problem there always with us in our
mind available and read to be used.This has helped me control a lot of
emotions and uncomfortable life situations.

Before I felt somewhat victim to my problems in I have the tools to take that uncomfortable energy and transform.Problems now become removed or at least bearable. I recommend the information in this course to anyone with a open mind willing to apply it to their life.

                                                      Pastor Diane Louise Watkins

Become ordained with the Universal Life Church, which is free and lasts for life.  You can use the Free Online Ordination, button to fill out the form.

Rev. Long, a member of ULC for many year, has created this seminary to help train our ministers. The Seminary also has a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and free minister training. Those who have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning have enjoyed its ongoing growth and change.

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A Course in Miracles

The first item to challenge my concept of free will came from this course.  I had always believed that free will was my innate ability to travel in what ever direction I choose to go spiritually.  Without boundaries, as so to say.  To me the concept of free will being the giving up of directions and paths chosen by by me to be the exact opposite of what I had conceived free will to be.  Though I resisted this alternate concept of free will from the onset, I am beginning to grasp its true depth of meaning.  Changing my thoughts of convention has never been a fast process for myself.  I at first viewed the concept of surrendering the guidance and purpose of my life to God was tantamount to slavery.  By fully accepting that I am a creation of God, then it would only seem to be natural that I should follow that course and directions set by my creator, my father.  That is a personal problem that logic should simply answer, yet I am stubborn (ego).
As far as all creation being the sons and daughters of God, with Jesus as our elder brother was an easy concept for me to meld with my preconceptions developed from my series of studies over the years.  Even in the good book,Jesus had made this concept of spiritual brothers and sisters to be clear.
The man versus the lesson, broadened my concepts of what his life's mission was .  I was raised with the emphasis being on the physical Jesus more than his actions, coupled with the teaching that we are not his equal in any fashion and that we should admire and emulate the persona.  Through various teachings, including this course, I have come to re-examine the focus of what I was taught and to in essence abandon the physical man and to grasp the Message of Jesus.  By accepting Jesus as a spiritual teacher, I have began to have faith in the unbelievable, the miracles that have always been taking place and not isolated to an era of time past.  This course has again broadened my understanding of the purpose of his visit, and given me a greater understanding of his spiritual life.
To me prayer was always a give me, asking for what I thought I wanted or needed to make life a little better for myself or another.  Here I have taken a radical change in viewpoint.  While reading this course, words i heard as a child by President john Fitzgerald Kennedy came to my mind.  Blazened into my consciousness were the words, " Ask not what your country can do for you.  Ask what you can do for your country".  For the life of me, I had never made the connection to not asking what God could do for me, but what I could do for God.
When it comes to healing depression , fear and relationships, I must agree that spiritual wellness is the key to a balance life of happiness.  Yet, I must respectfully disagree in that there are changes to the brain that are chemical in nature when serious trauma had unfolded, whether it be of a short and violent nature of having taken place over many years of one's life.  In my personal experience, I have found that spiritual growth will always be confounded by the inability to trust and the unwillingness to change from a know to an unknown.  This where medications and professional counseling have a place in restoring  and maintaining some semblance of balance in those encumbered by the socially dreaded disease of mental illness.   Try an experiment, tell other that you suffer from moderate to sever mental illness and see their reaction.  Then you will be able to grasp the trust issue, more often than not they will either treat you as if it were contagious, or will attempt to change the subject.
Miracles happen every day around us.  We are all capable of making them happen, if we just listen to the small quiet voice of God in each of us.  Miracles are rarely the catching of an airplane falling from the sky.  I believe that they are mostly seeing the pain in others that we ourselves have experienced and bridging that gap.  By making a bridge, they can begin to speak of it, and unleash the pain from a place hidden from far within.  What I have seen as ironic, though it is easy to help another, it is sometimes impossible to accept the same healing hand from another.
What am I. In our societies we teach that we are what we own, what standing we hold, what we appear to be like, and so on.  This course had helped me further redefine what I am.  A spiritual being made from love and filled with love.
This course had given me such food for thought.  I has radically changed some of what I firmly believed, reinforced other beliefs I have and has challenged me to re-think some of the foundation of my beliefs.  More so and most importantly, I believe that the lessons of the course will help me come closer to accepting that I can touch the spiritual face of God, and allow myself to begin to trust in what I know is true.  What I have just written seems like an oxymoron, and does not make sense.  Trust me, to me it does.

Rev. James Price


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Rev. Long, a member of ULC for many year, has created this seminary to help train our ministers. The Seminary also has a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and free minister training. Those who have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning have enjoyed its ongoing growth and change.

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Thursday, January 07, 2010

Spiritual Awareness

Justin M. Oles

Final Essay

            I figured that since the final discourse of this course gives you a bunch of questions to answer that I would answer those questions and call that my essay.  Looking at several other essays on the web page that seemed to be the general consensus so here goes.

            The first insight tells us that the universe will present us with opportunities to meet our spiritual goals and destiny.  We must keep our eyes, minds and hearts open to see these opportunities.  It gives us the awareness of a path for us to follow, it shows us that both our spiritual lives and our mundane lives are a journey, not simple a destination.  By looking out for opportunities to help ourselves and others we are able to more effectively learn the lessons we are meant to learn during each lifetime.

      I began to question my traditional religious beliefs as an adolescent largely because a lot of the answers I got were "because that's the way it is" or "because the bible says so."  I never had a personal connection with God and I never felt his presence in my life in the way that Catholics and Christians explained it.  Some people were very aggravated not having an answer themselves and just taking things on blind faith.  Others were more open minded and tried to explain things using biblical fact that directly contradicted historical and scientific fact.  I found later that often this was due to their ignorance and that frequently religion and science can work hand in hand to prove both as being factual.  I also found that if the historical contexts were taken as relative and not literal as they often are by the religious extremists that the two will in fact mesh.

            As was taught in middle school about why people hurt others it is often to make themselves feel better.  The sad part is that while this may make you feel better temporarily it does nothing in the long run.  In fact, it only leads to the spread of more hostility as those your hurt often do the same to another to gain back their self worth, thereby causing a never ending cycle of pain and suffering.  If people would help others rather than hurt them they would find that this gives a longer term feeling of happiness and is often reciprocated by others thereby increasing the pleasure and self worth felt.  A good way to begin this process is to try to give everyone you meet a truthful compliment of some sort.  This will make you feel better and make them feel better, a win-win.  If you put someone down it may make you feel better but it will make them feel worse, a win-lose, and ultimately a lose-lose in the long run.

            As a minister and servant of others we often find ourselves helping people with situations we are ill equipped to deal with.  While sometimes the logical solution is the best it often fails to deal with the emotional aspect of the issue.  By asking the right questions and learning how to receive and interpret the answers we are better equipped to aid others in their lives.  In doing so we are also better equipped to help ourselves as live will often throw issues our way in our own lives that we have no idea how to deal with.

            As humans are better able to understand each other and themselves there will be less fighting and war, people will help others so there will be less poverty and hunger and people will be more able to relate to others so there will be less discrimination and prejudice.  People are here on earth to learn how to be better beings through reincarnation and development of the soul over several lifetimes.

Ultimately these lessons have taught how to better and more happily life with ourselves and others.  It taught how one person can make a difference in the world and how all of us should strive to be better people individually and therefore as a whole.


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Rev. Long, a member of ULC for many year, has created this seminary to help train our ministers. The Seminary also has a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and free minister training. Those who have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning have enjoyed its ongoing growth and change.

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A Course in Miracles

Justin M. Oles

Doctor of Metaphysics
"Metaphysics and Miracles"

            This course started out rather interesting, talking about the different levels of our mind and thought processes and how they lead to certain types of thought and how they all interconnect.  From there it moved into a more psychological method of explaining how an over or under developed ego can lead to different ways of viewing and reacting with the world around us.  Both of these chapters made sense and had a basis in logic and rational thought. 
Lesson three started to get into a mythological theory based on a myth I have not seen and heard of anywhere scholastically that I personally think the writer made up completely on her own.  Then in lesson 4 the author goes on to explain that love is the cure to all the world's problems and that all of said problems are caused by fear.  Personally I find this to be a rather touchy feely, simplistic method of looking at the world and at religion.  Although many people do follow this mindset they seem for the most part to be the cultists on the fringe of society, the people that follow individuals like David Koresh and end up finding themselves in predicaments like the Kool-Aid® incident in Jonestown.
As the course goes on it gets deeper into the above mentioned touchy-feely theory of thinking and then starts to sound like this course is based on the Matrix with this world being nothing more than a dream in which we have total control because we are in ourselves gods.  While there is some credence to the theories about miracles, or as others would call it magic, the method used to describe it is to be blunt off in left field.  The author is also fond of quoting Deepak Chopra while not fully explaining the quotes.  The author uses these quotes to try to explain parts of the theory that the author seems unable to fully explain on her own thus explaining the misunderstood with a quote that will even more easily be misunderstood.  Needless to say this is a bad technique.
As the course goes on it starts to get somewhat back into reality.  The theories presented will probably work for some people and there are some good ideas but it starts to pull away again in later lessons when it goes on to tell you that all of your problems are cause by a lack of love.  Now I understand that love and happiness and laughter have healing effects but I have yet to see any evidence where they can consistently heal disease or save lives.  There are plenty or stories of extreme cases where dying people have held on in order to help others or where they came to peace with themselves and were healed.  There are also plenty of cases where people have just decided they were going to win and have, and vice versa.  I believe whole heartedly in the benefits of holistic medicine but I'm not going to rely on it completely for my health and well being.
Lesson 17 delves deeply into ways to help or hurt relationships, both romantic and with the deities or spirits.  It explains that one of the most often causes of failed relationships is that we want something from our partner.  Not that we want to give something to our partner.  It goes on to explain that this manifestation of the ego causes you to blame your partner for not giving you what you wanted and later causes resentment.  It says to think more on what you can give to your partner and to take responsibility for what you are thinking and what you want.  For example, if something your partner does makes you angry take ownership of that anger.  When you bring it to them say "I get angry when you do that" instead of saying "you make me angry when you do that."  This rewording changes the meaning very little but it forces you to take responsibility for your emotions thus putting the onus on you for feeling that way and not on your partner for doing something.  In the end, it expresses that you are upset and that its because of something your partner does, but at the same time it doesn't place blame on others.
All in all I feel this course was useful in that it presents another view of things and that it broadens your horizons as long as you keep you mind open.  Basically, I feel that if one maintains and open mind while still staying grounded that the theories in the course can help most people.  I would however caution people who tend to go all in every time or who don't live in the same state of consciousness as the rest of us to steer clear or at the very least take everything with a grain of salt.  I look forward to reading more things by this author as it made me look at things a different way, caused me to really think, and brought about some internal conflict as to what I believe. 


Become ordained with the Universal Life Church, which is free and lasts for life.  You can use the Free Online Ordination, button to fill out the form.

Rev. Long, a member of ULC for many year, has created this seminary to help train our ministers. The Seminary also has a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and free minister training. Those who have been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning have enjoyed its ongoing growth and change.

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Monday, January 04, 2010

Metaphysical Healing

Metaphysical Healing
            The most poignant lesson I learned from this class is that I am, in all probability, never going to be a true meta-physician.  All joking aside, I feel that metaphysical healing is a wonderful and legitimate supplement to modern medicine.  I have dabbled in focusing/wielding energy for a number of years but, and you can call me ignorant for this because I certainly did, I had no idea that traditional healing encompassed so much training and time.  My biggest surprise was learning that traditional healers spend as much (if not more) time training to be healers as doctors of modern medicine do.  There is so much more that goes into metaphysical healing than I ever considered, from preparing the patient by scanning to combing the aura to diagnosis and the actual act of healing.  I was quite honestly overwhelmed by how much must be learned to become a healer. 

One thing I really liked about the class was that some information I already knew, such as the fact that illness is reflected in the aura.  The thing I liked the least, and one of the main reasons I will never be a traditional/metaphysical healer, is the patience it takes.  I have found throughout the years that while I have a great deal of patience, I do not have patience when it comes to rituals, and this type of healing involves some amount of ritual.  I've never had the patience for meditating for long periods, which is required in healing to clear your head so that you may focus on the patient.  I would contend that I don't need to meditate to clear my head, and that I don't need to go through some of the ritualistic motions in order to heal, but I would be told I am wrong.

I would have a very long way to go if I were to choose the path of healer.  I originally took this class because my best friend has diabetic neuropathy in his feet, and I wanted to see if I could learn better methods of healing to help him with it.  The methods offered in this course are indeed better, but alas, I do not think I have the skill set to be a metaphysician, so he is just going to have to live with foot massages.  If anyone wishes to learn what it takes to become a meta-physician, this class is a treasure trove of information.  I would recommend it to anyone with leanings toward the healing arts.  God bless!

Rev. Ira Potter


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